What Are the Benefits of a Deadbolt Lock?

What makes deadbolts so great

Deadbolts are absolutely essential tools to lower the chances of someone successfully breaking into your home. In official reports published by the FBI, sixty percent of the 2.1 million burglaries that occurred in the United States during 2012 were forced entry. Deadbolts are a key way to not fall into this statistic, as they provide a much stronger level of protection than the normal pin tumbler lock inside most doorknobs.


Types of Deadbolts

Hardened steel deadbolts are one of the most effective widely available options. Essentially, a deadbolt fully sticks inside the hole of the door-jamb, which is itself fixed with a metallic striking plate held in position on the door frame studs with three inch screws. Based on which make and model of deadbolt you’re using, the full cost is usually less than two-hundred dollars.


Single-bolt security systems require a key to open it from outside the door, and the lock is activated through a twist lock on the inside. Double deadbolts are an even more secure option, and they require keys to open the door from the inside or outside. However, they do pose a sort of security risk in that it might be harder to exit the building in the event of a fire or other emergency that warrants quick departure.


Additionally, windows inside or right next to doors can be broken to allow someone to stick their hands through to unlock a single bolt lock system, or access a key that was left in close proximity to a double deadbolt. If your door contains large windows, it’s a major security risk, and it might be smart to completely replace the door – as many new exterior doors include strong security profiles – and even one’s with windows either are designed to prevent a burglar from hitting his hand through the opening, or even be able to smash the glass in the first place.


Practical Benefits of Installing a Deadbolt Lock

  • The lock itself gives you some of the best protection available from burglary or forced entry onto your property.
  • While regular locks can be quickly broken through the use of tools like crowbars, or tactics like lock bumping or picking, deadbolts are almost impossible to defeat in those ways.
  • Deadbolts require a much longer amount of time to best due to their physical strength and density, highly lowering the chances that a burglar is going to continue trying to break in, as the more time they spend doing so increases their chances of being somebody or caught.
  • You have many options to choose from. There’s a wide variety of deadbolt locks on the market today, with tons of different features and even aesthetic appeals. Since deadbolts are pretty much the gold standard of security solutions, there’s a wide variety of affordable and effective deadbolts readily available perfect for use in residential, commercial, non-profit, or industrial contexts.