How to never lose your keys again

One of the last objects that anybody would ever want to lose are their car keys. Imagine how stressful it would be to be trying to get to an urgent work meeting or appointment, but manage to get locked outside of your car in the rain. That sounds like a real day ruiner. There’s a number of strategies one can adopt in order to avoid the loss of car keys – and all they really require for successful implementation is a sense of organized fallthrough. Here’s Golden Locksmith’s guide to how to never lose your car keys again.


Set Reminders

People who find themselves very busy with crowded schedules are the most likely to forget objects at home – notably their home and car keys. If you belong to this group, and find yourself regularly using your keys, it might help to put notes across your home or office that remind you not to forget your car keys. Put these notes somewhere highly visible by exits, so that you will always remember when you’re on your way out of the door.


Key Hooks

Always keep your keys in the exact same place, on a dedicated key hook or even tray in a very easily accessible place where they won’t be misplaced. These amount to foolproof strategies, as long as you stick to it.


Key Chains

Attach your car keys to your wallet or purse – objects that you are much less likely to forget or lose, and objects that you carry around on a daily basis, so that you’re even less likely to ever forget your car keys.


Use Spare Keys

It might help to have a safety net of extra spare keys in case you accidentally don’t follow the above or below tips. This can be a solution in a jiffy, just make sure to keep the spare keys in a secure area of your wallet or a bag, and remember exactly where you put them.


Technological Solutions

There’s a plethora of new technology that can trace lost car keys through transmitters that let our loud sounds, so you can track their location. While these gadgets can be immensely helpful (you can attach the sensors to any sort of other item besides car keys, like television remotes for example) they usually come with a hefty price tag.


Calling a Locksmith

If you have lost your keys many times, it might be a smart decision to contact a professional locksmith to get your car locks replaced. This is a good idea as it gives you a sense of peace of mind that nobody unauthorized will be able to access your car, and can also help if your car’s locks are somewhat rusty or worn out.