Is your deadbolt up to par?

Deadbolts are massively popular and useful residential and commercial security choices. Their lock bolts can be moved with keys or knobs, without the need for springs like with spring bolt locks. They offer fantastic defense from both trespassers and burglars and can prevent break-ins. Most people prefer deadbolts to pin tumbler locks because of the additional defense benefits they offer. But how do you know if your deadbolt is offering the defense benefits they need to?

Advantages of Deadbolts

  • Deadbolts have special locking techniques that provide strong defense against physical attack
  • Deadbolts have superior locking power!
  • Deadbolts don’t require spring mechanisms to work, thus preventing burglars from being able to easily open them with crowbars or knives.

Deadbolt Options

Deadbolts are available as:

  • Keyless Cylinders
  • Single Cylinders
  • Double Cylinders

Keyless Cylinder Deadbolts

These are super easy to use. They usually open with a password or fingerprint scanner, and can be shut with a simple button or knob.

Single Cylinder Deadbolts

These are also fairly standard and easy to use. They can be opened with keys, and are common with doors that don’t have glass close to their timepieces.

Double Cylinder Deadbolts

These require the use of keys from both sides. People usually use these sort of deadbolts when there’s fragile glass right close to the doorknob. They can be rather problematic however in situations where people need to quickly exit your location.

Assessing Your Deadbolt

Deadbolts are available in three security grades, Grade 1 being the strongest. If you want to make your existing deadbolt more effective, strengthen it by using longer set screws and latch bolts. You can also add an additional Grade 2 deadbolt to support it. Even Grade 3 deadbolts are stronger than EuroCylinder locks. Grade 1 deadbolts are worth having, even if they are more expensive, because they can really protect your home or business from even the most determined burglar.