Owning a safe guarantees fantastic protection for valuable items – not to mention the peace of mind in knowing that your belongings are protected by a strong layer of security. Owning a safe is great – but there’s certain maintenance facts and tips that most consumers simply don’t know that they should. Here’s a guide to the essential tips for owning a safe, as prepared by the safe installation and safe repair experts at Golden Locksmith.
Safes Don’t Provide Guaranteed Protection
Safes by themselves out in the open don’t provide airtight protection. They need to be reinforced through being hidden behind many security layers. No safe is totally impenetrable if a person as the right tools – although most amateur burglars don’t have the necessary tools to break into a safe.
Safe Attacks
Criminals often would rather steal the safe itself then try to pick it on location. If safes are bolted to the floor, thieves will try to pry them open using a device like a crowbar to bend the door through pressure. If the safe is advanced, they will likely try to cut into it with an angle grinder, or a blow torch – which are both rare, but potentially successful safe attacking methods.
Higher Price means Higher Quality
This, while not the case with every consumer device, is definitely true when it comes to safes. The stronger the safe, the more expensive it will be, due to its construction from thicker and stronger metal with special drill dulling, cutting tool blunting, and heat dispersal qualities. Cheap safes, however can be broken into with a siple strike. With safes, cost is associated with quality.
Never discuss your Safe
It’s best to never discuss your safe – especially it’s location. This minimizes the chances of somebody hearing you mention it and being inspired to attempt to burglarize your home. This is dangerous because even friends or family members impressed with your security infrastructure may unwittingly discuss it further among other strangers who will then be inspired in turn.
Hiding Safes
Always try to conceal your safe behind a barrier behind a wall or in the floor. This will conceal all the weaker parts of the safe besides the door, while minimizing the chances of the safe being accessible to a burglar’s breakin attempts in the first place. Wall safes are somewhat better than floor safes as they are harder to remove safes from.
Inaccessibility for Security
The best kinds of safes are those that are even difficult for you to access. If a safe has a wall built in front of it, it will never get stumbled on by a normal thief. It’s not practical for safes that you want to access even semi regularly, but if you’re looking to preserve the existence of secret valuables for when you need them, we highly recommend installing your safe in an inaccessible location that you can remember – like behind a solid wall.
Creative Safe Placements
Try to place your safe in an area of your house that nobody will expect. Consider the areas of your house that you never clean because you think nobody will ever really see them. See if you can hide your safe in those places. This minimizes the chances of anybody being able to stumble upon your safe location and potentially lifting it out of your property.